Thursday, August 11, 2016

Early Inhabitants of the Maldives

The earliest history of the Maldives yet remains unknown as no evidence has yet been found that tells us anything about the earliest people or their way of life.This had been due to the geographical isolation of Maldives from the rest of the world probably for centuries.

Historians believe that people began to settle in the Maldives with the beginning of seafaring activities in the Indian Ocean. It is thought that they might have settled in Maldives to get some sea products such as cowries, turtle shell and ambergris which were valuable items of ancient trade.This is very likely as Maldives lies in the direct route of travelers who went East.This could have happened about 2500 years ago.

Travellers could have also stopped by for a supply of fresh water, wood, coir, and other supplies. In the past, the waters around Maldives were well known for shipwrecks, so there might have also been instances of shipwrecked people settling down in Maldives.

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